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Axiell European User Conference postponed to 2021

We have sadly decided to postpone our 2020 European User Conference amid the COVID-19 pandemic until 2021. While the User Conference is an amazing opportunity to come together as a community – we ultimately decided that this was not the time for a physical gathering for obvious reasons and have made the decision to cancel this year. We apologise if this causes any inconvenience or disappointment.

While we know that nothing can replace the feeling of all getting together in person – we’re looking at this as an opportunity to try different approaches to communication with our user community. Our team has re-grouped, and this year we’re now investing our time into delivering new formats that we hope you’ll find useful.

June 2020 – Online program

We’ll be taking all the key presentations that would usually take place at the user conference; roadmaps, tips and tricks, user presentations etc. and creating a series of webinars, taking place throughout June. Our customers can then pick and choose the content that is most relevant to them.

We’ll widen the audience and allow customers from all regions to attend, and we’ll record all webinars and share the content through the our newsletters – making the content even more accessible than usual.

We’ll be listing these on the “courses and webinars” sections of the website – and will be sending out invites through the newsletter mailing list so please keep an eye out for the sessions most relevant to you.

April 2020 – Online Community

We know that much of the benefit people get from attending the conference is interaction with other users. We’ve decided this is the perfect time to trial an online community – and we’ll be sending out an invitation this week to an online group – where collections management customers can come together, share ideas, help each other and interact in an online discussion group.

Please keep an eye out for your invitation in your inbox.

Autumn / Winter 2020 – UK Roadshows

For the UK region, we still want to see you and give you the chance to interact face to face. So, situation allowing, we’re aiming to deliver some smaller, one day sessions for specific product groups – called roadshows where we’ll tailor the content to your specific product. We’ll announce dates and agendas later in the year more once we can identify when it’s safe to hold meetings again.

2021 European User Conference – Manchester

Don’t worry, we haven’t missed our chance to hold the event in Manchester. We’ll be back next year with a vengeance and will be re-booking for a similar time next year. Next year the event will feature the same type of agenda that you’ve come to expect from the user conference, with tours, events and evening receptions. We’ll send the 2021 date once we have confirmed it with the venue.

Other International User Conferences

We’re still monitoring the situation for our events in other regions – as yet we have not made the decision to cancel the APAC user conference (August) or the North American User Conference (October). We have however suspended registration for the APAC user conference pending local and federal advice. We’ll update if anything changes for either of these events.

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