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Axiell launches Online Community: Collections Management User Forum

Here at Axiell – we’ve been debating ways in which we can help our community of customers during this unpredictable and worrying time.

We know that many of our users, like most of us at Axiell, are now working remotely and maybe feeling a bit disconnected from each other. Like us, you’re probably trying to navigate how to adapt to new ways of working – looking for solutions and ideas and wondering how everyone else is adapting. You may also be wondering what’s changing in the industry and trying to understand the impact of the current situation.

For many years we’ve been hearing that our collections management users would like a chance to interact with each other online. We’ve done some experiments with creating spaces for smaller groups before. We think now is the time to open this up to everyone.

We want, now more than ever, to give you a space to share ideas, ask questions, help each other and maybe have some fun together online. We asked you if you’d be interested and the answer was pretty clear – an amazing 93.7% of responders said yes.

We want our customers to have access to other collections management professionals from all around the world to problem solve and help each other navigate the changing landscape. So, we’ve invited thousands of our customers from all over the world to take part.

We’ll have a few of our team members from each country in the group as well, contributing and answering questions wherever we can help.

Joining the Online Community

This is free for all Axiell CMS customers, this is just something we wanted to do to help our community connect. All users of an Axiell CMS are welcome to join the online community.

You just need to request to join here and a member of our team will approve you and send you an invitation. Please bear with us if this takes a couple of days, as we may get a large volume of requests at the beginning. We will get to them as soon as we can.

Request to join

Requirements and compatibility

To enable us to launch this as fast as we have, we’ve leveraged a Microsoft platform that we use internally called Yammer. This means you’ll just need to have a corporate Microsoft or google email to access the forum as it’s a Microsoft platform.

For anyone who has trouble accessing the forum, you can contact

Planning for the future

We’ve set up this group primarily to help users connect through this unusual and isolating time. Whenever the time comes that normality starts to return, we’ll assess what the future for the community looks like. If it proves of significant value to users, we will look to improve or adapt this in the future and if not we will return to our existing channels once it has served it’s purpose. We’ll give all members the chance to shape any decisions about the future of the group.

We look forward to seeing you there!

All that said, we’re very excited about having a place for the community to come together online and really hope that this helps you all. We can’t wait to see you there and see our customers from around the world connecting with each other.

Request to join here

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