The EMu Help site is now available in French. On the site, you will find product help for users and administrators, release notes, as well handy Quick Help guides and FAQs.
The EMu Help presents a modern look and feel that is responsive and user friendly, providing users and administrators with accessible, task-driven help.
The EMu Help documents the functionality available in EMu and demonstrates how to use that functionality. The EMu Help includes release notes for all EMu releases back to V4.1, so you can keep up with the latest developments for your CMS.
You can access the help here or via the Support Resources & Document page of the Axiell France website. From version 6.5 onwards the help link will be available via the EMu application.
With the EMu Help, we’ve made navigation easy and separated help for users and administrators into distinct sections. The Help includes a powerful search engine and FAQs to help you find answers to common questions quickly.
Click ‘For Users’ for assistance with everything from getting started with EMu to using EMu’s advanced tools and functionality.
Click ‘For Administrators’ for help on installation and configuration, technical administration, maintenance, troubleshooting and more.