NEW REPORT: Top Trends in Culture Technology

NEW REPORT: Top Trends in Culture Technology

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University Lecturer Teaching in Library


The world’s universities have extensive literary and historically significant collections in their care, and a mission to use these knowledge resources to educate and further academic research. We’re proud to support universities in their work.

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How our university solutions work for you

Axiell employees at Natural History Museum


Manage multidiscipline collections

Whether you have a niche collection in a single department or a collection that spans many disciplines across your institution, we have software to help you manage, catalogue and share the full range of collection types, including museum, library and archive collections.

Group of Students Working on Laptops in Library

Serve students and researchers

Manage access to your collections by students and researchers

Publish your collections online to enable online searching and browsing and effectively serve requests for information. Institutional researchers can also perform sophisticated analyses of your institution’s collections.

Lady looking at collection item

Standards compliant

Manage your collections to industry standards

Manage all your collections data to industry standards. Whether cataloguing, managing item locations and movements, or managing object conditions, our solutions adhere to industry best practice.

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Universities that we work with

Our solutions for Universities

What customers say about our solutions for universities

Internally, the collections team uses the system for all the things you would expect; all the collections management, curatorial tools, preparing exhibitions, cataloguing, new acquisitions, tracking collections care, everything in that range. As a University museum we have quite a high teaching and research load, so it’s the first port of call for starting off all our teaching and research enquiries, but we’re also trying to get the outcomes of that research back into the system.

Durham university interview
Helen Armstrong, Collections Registrar Durham University Library

The rich cultural collections of the University will now be an integral part of our education to the benefit of our researchers and students. This focus on active learning pedagogies, with dedicated facilities to support object-based learning, will enable us to improve student experience and learning outcomes.

Amelia Scurry, Manager, Executive Communication & Liaison Baillieu Library, The University of Melbourne

There’s a lot of institutional history that’s fragmented among our different curatorial departments and the system provides a context and a milieu in which to reunite that information that’s been orphaned in many cases for over 100 years.

Larry Gall Peabody Museum
Larry Gall, Computer Systems Office Informatics Manager, Entomology Peabody Museum of Natural History

Articles relating to universities

Durham university interview

Durham University

Helen Armstrong, Collections Registrar for Culture Durham

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Larry Gall Peabody Museum

Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale

Larry Gall, Head, Computer Systems Office; Informatics Manager, Entomology

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Female student on Ipad in library

University of Melbourne selects Axiell as partner for groundbreaking initiative for collection based research and learning

Melbourne, Australia January 19 2016 – Axiell, the leading vendor globally of collections management software...

By Axiell January 19, 2016

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