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Axiell Flow

Workflow automation for efficient and consistent collections management

Axiell Flow is a workflow automation tool designed to ensure efficiency and consistency around work with the collection, whether users are at their desks or on the move. Personalized task queues and data entry forms guide users through work that is specific to their area of expertise.

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Fit for purpose

Select or create workflows that serve your institution

Based on museum and archive procedural and data standards, leverage workflow templates for activities such as data entry, loans, transport and more, or build tailored workflows based on your existing internal processes.

Efficiency and productivity

Simplify task management with workflow automation

Improve task management and allow staff to focus on their area of expertise. When a task needs to be completed, Axiell Flow notifies the appropriate individual and guides the user through data entry forms for quick and easy completion of assigned tasks. Forms are tailored to the task at hand to minimize distractions and enhance focus.


Streamline cross-departmental collaboration

Automate the smooth transfer of tasks between departments and groups using workflows that ensure critical procedures are followed efficiently and consistently.

Data integrity

Reduce human error, improve quality of data in your CMS

Data entry forms ensure that key information is always captured at each stage of the workflow. Formatting rules protect data integrity. Entered data can be sent to other users for approval and validation.


Simplify the user experience and increase accessibility of your system

Axiell Flow’s simple, permissions-based interface restricts access to sensitive data and streamlines the user experience, opening the CMS to a wide range of contributors without risk to data integrity. Staff and volunteers can view and complete workflow tasks at any time on any device – whether they are on site or working remotely.

Workflows in practice

Workflows can be set up for a wide range of activities, from simple 2-step procedures to large processes that cross multiple departments. Axiell Flow’s library of workflow templates support all types of institutions. These can be customized, or new ones can be built from scratch, to support institution-specific needs.

Here is one example of how a defined workflow might operate in practice.


Ready to learn more?

Reach out to learn how you can create a seamless flow of tasks and information across your organization.

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Benefits of Axiell Flow in the Cloud

Always Cutting Edge

No need to upgrade. New versions of the product will automatically roll out with release notes to support the upgrade.

Do More with Less

Skip the hardware and enjoy cost savings. With Axiell Flow, you don't have to spend time training staff and purchasing hardware for IT departments.

Empower Users Anywhere, Anytime

With on-demand performance that scales with use, cloud hosting gives you the mobility to use Axiell Flow when you're away from your desk.

Why deploy Axiell Flow?

Adhere to your institutional processes easily

Pre-built or tailored workflows ensure each step of your processes are followed – every single time. Mandatory actions can be set with notifications to remind those who need to take action.

Reduce human error and improve task management

When a process requires action from a member of staff, they can be automatically notified. Tasks remain in their task view until they are completed.

Complete tasks right in the moment

Users can complete tasks from any device, which enables remote work while in different locations around your site and reduces task build-up.

Streamline cross-departmental working

To lessen the risk of tasks and procedures stalling, leverage workflows that tie together the exchange of information and duties between people in different roles, departments, and specialities.

Enable quick onboarding and wider access to your CMS

Permissions can be set to grant access only to what each user needs. Workflows provide easy step-by-step instructions. Validation checks help bypass lengthy CMS training.

Increase the speed and efficiency of data entry

Make data entry easier and faster by simplifying forms and required fields down to the essentials.

Ensure robust, consistent and accurate data no matter who enters it

Create forms that show the data and format required when performing a certain task. Required fields ensure that no information is missed.

Maintain control over quality, even when not entering the data yourself

You can define appropriate formats for data entry and information can be escalated to senior team members for authorisation and validation to ensure accuracy and quality.

Axiell Flow works with

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