Stay connected to your audience by integrating online chat into your online collections interface
We’ve been looking into ways to help you stay connected with your users during lockdown. We’ve found an online chat tool that can be integrated into both Calmview and Axiell Internet Server (AIS). allows you to speak directly with your users, answer general enquiries and help your users navigate the collection. is a free tool however the integration takes a little bit of work. We can do this for you at the cost of our half day rate (£450) or, if you purchase CalmView 5, upgrade to Axiell Collections or AIS, we will include this integration with no extra cost. And there are no ongoing costs.
If you are interested in ordering this integration, scroll down to the bottom and fill in the short form. Or for more info, read on!
Supporting your users during the boom in online activity
We know that many organisations have refocused their efforts online, with many cultural institutions seeing a boost in online traffic. Integrating a chat tool allows you to support your users as they navigate your online services.
The chat function gives users a quick way to ask collections staff for more information on items presented online, or to ask for help, since the skills to effectively search the collection aren’t universal.
Much of a collection’s value to society is in the brilliant staff who help their audience find what they’re looking for and what the context is that surrounds it. So it’s important this resource is on hand!
The chat integration will allow you to be on hand whether you’re in your ‘home office’ (kitchen table/sofa/garden) or back in the ‘office office’, once a bit of normality resumes.
Easy to administrate and with a range of options
Integrating the chat tool makes it easy for staff to connect directly with users and is easy for staff administrate. Integrating into Calmview or AIS will allow you to:
Answer any user questions and enquiries
Members of the public can chat with archive/museum/collections staff during the opening hours of the chat. The users that you have created can respond to the messages.
Create multiple users
You can create several users connected to your administrator account. This makes it possible for various members of staff to share the responsibility for responding to messages
Schedule opening times for the chat’s availability
It is easy to administrate the chat schedule. The opening hours can be set to your usual office hours or hours of your choice. The schedule is set in the administrative interface.
Create automatic greetings to pop up when users open the page
You can create a trigger that opens the chat window with a greeting automatically. You can compose the greeting yourself, for example, “Welcome to the online collection search, how may I help you?”.
Reply to messages from your mobile
You can also use the chat functionality using the Android or IOS app.
The chat integration provides a quick and easy alternative to telephone and email for your end users. is a free tool, however the integration takes a little bit of work. We can do this for you at the cost of our half day rate (£450) or, if you purchase CalmView 5, upgrade to Axiell Collections or AIS, we will include this integration with no extra cost. And there are no ongoing costs.