NEW REPORT: Top Trends in Culture Technology

NEW REPORT: Top Trends in Culture Technology

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Recording: System Admins of the Future Discussion Panel

This panel was led by Louise McAward-White of the British Film Institute. The panel reflect on the real jobs that Axiell users are doing – how much of the job is truly system admin and what else do we do all day?! We consider the move to general digital skills, the increasing provision of public access and whether we’ll all be coders soon.

This session will be great for you if you’re thinking about how to develop a career working with systems or want to consider skills to work on; and will be a great chance to share some insights into our future needs with Axiell.


Louise McAward-White, Project Manager – Videotape Digitisation, British Film Institute
Lili Bartholomew, Museum Registrar, Leisure & Culture Dundee
Tom Smith, Collections Systems Manager, IWM
Lizzie O’Neill, Digital Collections Manager, The Hunterian
Mike Howe, Chief Curator, British Geological Survey

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