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What did your library get up to on National Libraries Day?

As most of you will know, it was the fifth annual National Libraries Day this Saturday gone and it is being hailed as the biggest ever, with over 850 events happening in libraries up and down the country.

In a testing time for public libraries, the underlying goal of this campaign is to show authorities and central government just how passionate people are about libraries and to entice some of those absent lovers of libraries back into their local branch. However, for many, the day was just a chance to celebrate a place of knowledge and community that they love to visit and work in.

CILIP CEO, Nick Poole, told the Bookseller:

“The outpouring of love for our national network of libraries on Saturday was truly inspirational. It’s an important moment to celebrate all the creative, transformation and unexpected things that happen when you step into a library. The vital importance of modern libraries to families and communities across the UK came through over and over again.”


Many of our customers were busy on Saturday with an array of activities:



There were talks from authors



The Deputy Mayor got involved



Some held craft sessions



Some sent letters to the children of their communities



…and many received messages of thanks themselves




And of course there were plenty of heartfelt stories shared


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