Se videoer og bilder fra vår brukerkonferanse «2022 Axiell European User Conference» (#AxiellEU22) holdt ved University of Manchester i juni i år. Konferansen var rettet mot våre kunder innen arkiv- og museumssektoren.
Over 150 brukere deltok fysisk i Manchester, mens mer enn 330 brukere fra minst 22 land rundt om i verden deltok online. Temaet «Building Connections for a Sustainable Future» var en tydelig rød tråd gjennom hele konferansen.
Nå kan du se videoopptakene fra disse to tettpakkede dagene. Vi hadde også en fotograf på stedet som tok fantastiske bilder. Ser du kanskje noen du kjenner?
Noen av våre deltageres utsagn (på engelsk)
- “The conference is a fantastic opportunity to hear about the latest product developments, there are great case studies and talks and the networking with colleagues is fantastic. It is so great to share and connect and there is a real community spirit.”
- “The conference was excellent — I learned useful tips for everyday use of the database, as well as felt inspired to hear about more ambitious projects that my organisation could potentially replicate in future.”
- “It is a friendly space to discuss ideas and concepts around collections management and collections management systems.”
- “The conference is a great opportunity to make connections with organisations facing similar challenges, learn more about the systems we use or administrate daily, and be inspired by demonstrations of creative problem solving. And a lot of fun!”