NEW REPORT: Top Trends in Culture Technology

NEW REPORT: Top Trends in Culture Technology

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Closer to Customers than Ever Before! Introducing Our Ideas Portal

Making it easier for you to submit ideas, vote for suggestions, or ask us development questions

As we continue to roll out our new Customer Support Portal to all customers around the world, we are pleased to share the next step in our goal of working closer with you as our users. We are pleased to introduce a new digital approach to ideas management. With the Ideas Portal, you will be able to submit to and view the collective pool of ideas, vote for suggestions, or ask us development questions.

Since our founding in the 1980s, Axiell has served at the intersection of IT and culture, and this focus remains the same today. We have a strong commitment to the cultural sector and the role we play in preserving society’s cultural heritage and we strive to provide solutions which encourage reading and learning. Our passion for, knowledge of, and experience in, supporting archives, libraries, museums and schools is what makes us unique. Yet one thing is clear; only through working closely with users, can we truly support the industry in its mission to preserve knowledge and make it more accessible.

Understanding current community needs is reflected in how we work with our users and the industry to continuously adapt our product portfolio. Over the past 3 years, we have invested heavily into improving our products and designing new solutions. Our roadmaps are ideas driven. We work constantly to understand your priorities and to integrate them into our roadmaps and new products. We do this through market research, collaboration with customers, and what we learn from the service desk.

Your ideas are important to us and your input is invaluable. It ensures that our solutions meet your immediate and future needs.

Therefore, we’ve designed a process that makes it easy for you to contribute innovative ideas to our solutions, and to increase transparency in how we manage input into to our roadmaps. You will be able to see the collective pool of ideas, vote for ideas and comment. The ideas are included in our product priority meetings, as inspiration and as direct input into new development. They are always evaluated by a product expert. The ambition is to encourage more interaction between the users of our solutions and our development team.

Axiell Collections users can access the portal now, either here or through the new Customer Support Portal. We will also be making Ideas Portals available for other products. Watch this space – we will announce those as they are put online.

Please start collecting your ideas and wishes. We hope you will take the opportunity to contribute!

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