NEW REPORT: Top Trends in Culture Technology

NEW REPORT: Top Trends in Culture Technology

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Axiell training

EMu 6.0 Highlights

Looking to get a jump start on using the updated EMu 6.0 interface?

During this 90 minute session, we’ll guide you through common EMu tasks using the new ribbon based navigation. While EMu 6.0 functionality is consistent with previous versions, the interface shift changes how users interact with the system. We want to be sure that you onboard as quickly as possible with this targeted workshop.

The Highlights tour includes:

  • Using the updated Command Centre
  • Reviewing the refreshed query buttons
  • Designing shortcuts
  • Creating groups
  • Using attachment fields
  • Sorting records
  • Making list views
Course type Webinar
Duration 90 Minutes 90 Minutes

Found the course interesting and engaging! The instruction was very comprehensive. Really liked the use of the training environment.

Emily Bamforth, Royal Saskatchewan Museum Royal Saskatchewan Museum

I very much enjoyed the pace of the course and the level of interactivity he achieved, in spite of the fact that we were doing remote training.

Darcy Shapiro New Jersey State Museum

[The trainer] did a great job of making sure everyone's questions and concerns were addressed, and made sure that everyone had a comprehensive understanding of the concepts we covered.

Julie McVey National Geographic, Washington D.C

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