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Axiell training

Mimsy XG – Sharpen your skills: System essentials

David Forster Product Consultant

Most people don’t use the system to its full potential. On this course, you will look at the most common uses of the system, including creating and editing records, navigating, searching, and linking records together, to develop the skills to make you more efficient, more effective, and more confident in the program. New and experienced users alike will emerge with a better understanding of how to do what they need to do.

This course begins by covering essential concepts pertaining to Mimsy XG’s structure, its diverse Authorities and Activities, and how to search, create and edit records. Following a review of the basics, participants are exposed to specific workflows surrounding Media, Acquisitions, Conservation, and Exhibitions and Loans modules.

By being introduced or reintroduced to Mimsy XG’s range of functionalities, learning shortcuts, tips and tricks to increase the efficiency of workflows, participants will gain the confidence to work independently and learn to use Mimsy XG to its full potential.


We can come to you and run sessions at your location for you and your team, anywhere in the UK, or you can take part in our scheduled classes below.

Aimed at

Anyone responsible for creating or editing data in Mimsy XG.

Guidance level

Introductory – No knowledge of Mimsy XG is required.

Course type Course
Price Classes: £550 Classes: £550
In house sessions are £900 per day plus travel expenses
Duration 2 days 2 days
Trainer David Forster David Forster
David has worked for Adlib then Axiell since 2001first as a trainer then as a product consultant. He developed the training run at Axiell offices that is now offered as standard within the UK.

He started as the trainer for Adlib and has helped in many roles wherever necessary, building an extensive knowledge of the Adlib product. He is now working mainly on project delivery work as well as covering the basic Mimsy XG training.

[The course] ran at a nice steady pace, allowing us to all ask questions and leave feeling that the day was successful.

Caroline Lockwood, Leicestershire County Council Leicestershire County Council, Leicester

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