NEW REPORT: Top Trends in Culture Technology

NEW REPORT: Top Trends in Culture Technology

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Axiell training

Basic Reports Training: Creating key reports and forms

Once your data is in your CMS, take the next step and use it to generate key reports and forms. Using Crystal Reports, the industry standard for reporting, this course provides participants with step by step instructions on how to efficiently transform records in your database into useful reports. Curators, registrars, conservators, managers, exhibition coordinators, and anyone who needs to share information with others, will learn the skills necessary to leverage your collection data into professional reports. Classes may be scheduled together or separately. Attendees in the Advanced Reporting class should master the concepts in the Intro to Reporting class before enrolling in Advanced Reporting.

Course type Course
Price $1400-$2200 + expenses $1400-$2200 + expenses
This course can be held online or on site depending on the number of users.

Online: 1-2 users: $1400

On site: 1-2 users: $1400 + expenses
On site: 3-8 users: $1800 + expenses
On site: 9-15 users: $2200 + expenses
Duration 1 Day 1 Day

I very much enjoyed the pace of the course and the level of interactivity he achieved, in spite of the fact that we were doing remote training.

Darcy Shapiro New Jersey State Museum

Found the course interesting and engaging! The instruction was very comprehensive. Really liked the use of the training environment.

Emily Bamforth, Royal Saskatchewan Museum Royal Saskatchewan Museum

[The trainer] did a great job of making sure everyone's questions and concerns were addressed, and made sure that everyone had a comprehensive understanding of the concepts we covered.

Julie McVey National Geographic, Washington D.C

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