NEW REPORT: Top Trends in Culture Technology

NEW REPORT: Top Trends in Culture Technology

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Manage collections, customers, and processes

With V-smart libraries enjoy the benefits of a browser-based environment, offering convenient access through a visually appealing and customizable interface to circulation, cataloguing, acquisitions, serials, reporting, and Web Opac.

V-smart is a comprehensive solution to showcase and manage collections of any kind.

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Flexibility for staff and members

Improve customer management

  • Registration via multiple channels, including self-registration via a wizard-process, form-based manual input, and import from file.
  • Housebound reader services, including history tracking, SDI alerting based on interests and online warnings for items previously issued to the same borrower.
  • Manual or automated blocks and suspensions for overdue fines, current fines, items that have been returned too late, expired membership.
  • Various notices can be sent by post, email, telephone, and SMS.
  • Integrated CRM capabilities allow registration of any customer contact type including follow-up controlled by a trigger-based warning mechanism.
  • Interfaces with external CRM applications (Salesforce®, Microsoft® CRM Dynamics), which have deep links back to V-smart.

Scalable from small to large library systems

Control circulation transactions, payments, and inventory

By combining flexibility with functionality, the circulation module facilitates vital processes, such as loans, returns, renewals, payments, reservations, item, and inventory management. The library can define its own circulation parameters to meet institution wide and branch specific requirements.

  • Current circulation status is always visible in the online catalogue.
  • Payment support for sale items including discarded books, local publications, and DVDs.
  • Inventory control helps to keep track of location and status of each item in the collection.

Enables discovery of collections

Innovative cataloguing and metadata management

  • Library controls the definition of the data structure and the relationships between records.
  • Built-in full-text editing graphical editor, offering options such as Z39.50, SRU search and retrieval, access to authority files, cut-and-paste, drag-and-drop, and undo.
  • Unlimited number of templates.
  • Supports a range of standard data formats and protocols, such as MARC21, UNIMARC, Dublin Core, Getty, XML, SRU, Z39.50, and Unicode.
  • Indexes can be both specific to a database or work across databases—regardless of the underlying format.
  • Powerful tools for metadata management, including global change, import and export of both bibliographic and authority records, global delete, and matching and merging.

Take control

Speed up the ordering process

The acquisitions module enables control of the ordering process for different types of orders: purchases, gifts, consignments, approvals, external orders, retrospective orders, urgent orders, or a combination of these.

  • Order management: Supports pre-defined order patterns for material types, locations, and budgets.
  • Budget control: Manage multiple budgetary accounting models with a simple year end processing.
  • Invoices management: Manage end-to-end invoicing from pro-forma invoices to credit notes creation.

Electronic data interchange (EDI) is available for electronic exchange of data with vendors through the support of the EDIFACT standard and is supported for orders, quotes, invoices and order responses.

Easy registration of Serials

The serials module facilitates complete control of subscriptions, electronic resources, and circulation. It is linked to the Acquisitions module to manage all financial aspects and benefit from extensive reporting tools.

  • Predicts receipt of forthcoming issues, based on daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and any other predictable pattern.
  • The library only needs to define the data once and the system will henceforth display all predicted items on a single screen.
  • Immediate display of received items in Web Opac.
  • Sophisticated claims mechanism to manage non-received items.
  • Supports and differentiates free, paid, and membership subscriptions.
  • Supports receipt of non-predicted items such as extra or special issues, yearbooks, supplements, and festschrifts.

A powerful portal

The  Iguana portal provides customers with a powerful solution to find relevant information in multiple resources, manage their accounts, and participate in a community.

Beyond a search interface, Iguana emphasizes dynamic customer services. The customer enjoys a wide variety of online possibilities including the ability to place reservations, see reading suggestions, define interests, rate items, personalize their search experience, and much more.

Learn more about Iguana

More than an ILS

V-smart offers rich functionality in all standard modules (cataloguing, circulation, acquisitions, serials, and Web OPAC) in one fully integrated solution.

Format-agnostic solutions

Manage any type of metadata and any type of material.

Integrated CRM features

Application and toolbox at once.

Open technology that runs on all common browsers

Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari.

Presents all data

Whatever its source, its format and its storage location.

Offers a modern interface

Attracts young generations.

Saves time and money

Focuses on your main asset: Your customers.

Statistical analysis for more insight

Gaining insight into relevant, up-to-date information about usage and trends is essential for decision-making in libraries. With V-insight, data analysis and visualization come together in a browser interface, combining in-depth analysis with ease of use.

Learn more about V-insight

Go further with V-smart add-on modules and products

Stack requests

Allow borrowers to place requests for restricted material through a web-based interface. Staff can then make it available to the service point.

Inter library loan

Supports both incoming and outgoing requests. The module supports a number of electronic/automatic mechanisms including the ISOILL protocol, which avoids much manual intervention.

Libraries for visually impaired

Offers specific search functionality, support for wish lists, automatic lending, communication with third-party (re-) production systems, Braille book lending and services management.

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