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V@school: Smart solutions for smart schools

Promoting reading education and media literacy in a hosted environment

V@school is tailored towards children and enables libraries and schools to share services and data via a joint server. V@school offers robust solutions for library management, promotes reading via its kids search tree, reading lists, profiles and many other features.

Schools want ease-of-use from a solution that offers them what they need: a hosted solution with zero local installation time, robust functionality for “simple” things as check-in and check-out, and sophisticated support for reading education and information gathering.

Libraries want to offer their services not only via their traditional branches, but also via schools. Via this route, libraries strengthen their position as the primary information broker in their local community.


For schools

Now used by hundreds of schools, V@school is the right solution for school libraries: easy-to-use, hosted and, if wanted, integrated with the public library services. V@school supports reading education and helps pupils find the right information.

V@school promotes reading and smart searching via multiple functions. Features such as reading lists and the kids tree (a child-friendly search tree) support children in their endeavours to learn how to read. Reliable information can be made available via a single portal in a controlled environment.

School library staff can use V@school’s management features to manage their library, including check-in and check-out. Or they can allow children to perform these themselves.

For libraries

In a lot of communities, schools and libraries live together in any shape or form. Libraries are no longer only located in their “traditional” branches, but also in schools. School libraries may share (part of) their collection with the library or they may have their own collection.

In V@school, library and school can really live together.


Robust features for school libraries

For staff at both school and library V@school offers robust features to manage pupils and their activities. These include:

  • Pupils can use their library card.
  • Import from multiple pupil administration applications: pupil data can be imported automatically. This includes import from file and, in some cases, via API.
  • Imported title records can, in some cases, be automatically enriched with Age and Reading Level data.
  • Items can be moved from one bookcase to another all at once.
  • Selected predefined print options.
  • Easy management of school parameters.

Learn more about V@school

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