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The Ultimate Museum Grant Guide [Updated for 2022]

Everything you need for successful grant writing

Grant competition has never been more fierce. You need to choose the right grants, write a stellar application, and push through roadblocks. Our guide gives you everything you need to succeed.


The ultimate resource for cultural institutions looking to secure funding

Use our guide to:

  1. Strengthen your application with recurring themes in the upcoming grant cycle
  2. Learn fundraising tips and tricks from other applicants who have applied for and been awarded funds
  3. Explore a list of open or upcoming grants in North America to get you started on your fundraising journey

Donwload your copy of the Grant Guide!

Tips and Tricks from Funding Pros

Securing funding has become a serious priority in 2020. You need to write a stellar application that catches attention and clearly articulates the unique value of your work. We polled some of our active fundraising clients to create a list of tips and tricks for granting success to help you in your fundraising journey. Here is a sample. Find more in the Grant Guide!

Look for connections outside your main constituent group. Try to think about what your collection contributes to other communities. Look beyond the obvious partners/users/stakeholders. It always catches attention when someone suggests a stakeholder that the reviewers would not have thought of. Think across disciplines.

Dr. Barbara M. Thiers, The New York Botanical Garden

When you are writing grants make sure you have compelling pictures or graphics to supplement your points. A visual gap analysis is powerful. If you can transmit the story in bullet points and a couple simple pictures, you’ll be ahead of the curve.

Dr. Lawrence Gall Head, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University

If you’ve had multiple rejections, make sure you speak to your grant sponsor. This is so important. Pick up the phone and call the person who is assigned to your grant. Calling instead of email gives you the ability to have a candid conversation with the granting officer.

Dr. Suzanne L. Eckert, Arizona State Museum

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