NEW REPORT: Top Trends in Culture Technology

NEW REPORT: Top Trends in Culture Technology

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Picture of the Drammen Library bicycle

With the Book Bike, The Drammen Library can meet new readers anywhere

“How nice to find you here! What did you bring?” The Drammen Library Book Bike creates engagement wherever it rolls. With their mobile library, they reach those who, for various reasons, do not visit the library.

The electric Book Bike is used at different events in the city such as the Norwegian Globe Festival. With colorful letters, it’s a difficult vehicle to overlook. “It is not easy to reach those who do not normally visit the library, but the Book Bike is easy to see.” says library developer Solvor Snoen Hoel with a smile. 

The Bike carries a relatively wide selection of content with a focus on new and popular literature. In addition to lending books on the spot, it is a perfect mechanism to drive visitors to the wider selection available at the library and promote upcoming events or podcasts. 

As simple as at the counter

The Book Bike is equipped with a tablet and the Quria library system which can be used anywhere via the internet. With this technology, Drammen librarians can lend books on site with the same ease as the circulation desk. As long as we have the internet, it works great. Thanks to Quria, we have taken advantage of the opportunity to be more mobile. Because we have to keep our distance, we do not stand at the counter that much anymore.” says Solvor.

A library anywhere

The Drammen Library would like to use the Book Bike more, but as with everything, it requires resources. Eventually they hope to take more spontaneous bike rides in the local area. Along the Drammensälven river, where the library is located, no buses stop nearby and there is no parking nearby. Solvor sees this as another reason why they must be more mobile.

“The book bike is perfect for creating a mobile library. You can have a library anywhere, for example in nursing homes and schools. Although an electric bike is key to be able to ride around with all the heavy books,” Solvor emphasizes with a laugh. “We are constantly working to develop the library and to become more visible and accessible even outside.”

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