Course Overview:
Adlib Library is a flexible, modular software application designed for information management in resource centres and libraries of all kinds. This course covers use of the Catalogue and Loans applications of the Adlib Library system.
Additional course modules for the Serials and Acquisitions applications are available as an on-site option only, if these are required by the customer.
Attendees will learn how to enter, edit and save bibliographic descriptions, as well as how to search for, copy and print records. The course also covers creating and maintaining records in authority files, including the use of thesauri.
The course covers the use of the Loans module, including how to issue an item, how an item is returned and how to reserve items. Also included is setting up of library opening times and borrower limits.
The course uses a mixture of practical exercises and demonstrations. The standard Adlib Library software is used.
Aimed At:
Anyone responsible for creating or editing data in Adlib Library.
Guidance Level:
Introductory – No knowledge of Adlib is required.
A basic knowledge of Microsoft Windows is required.