NEW REPORT: Top Trends in Culture Technology

NEW REPORT: Top Trends in Culture Technology

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[Updated] 2022 Museum Grants Guide: A Comprehensive Guide for Upcoming Museum, Archive and Library Grants (USA and Canada)

The ultimate resource for cultural institutions looking to secure funding.

Acting as a catalyst for change, COVID-19 has accelerated digital development, pushing museums, archives, and libraries to prioritize digital initiatives while their employees and patrons adjust to accessing collections remotely.

Patronage dropped suddenly, creating a dramatic revenue deficit for many cultural institutions. Even though many organizations re-opened across North America, in the past year, the ongoing health crisis has forced closures across the region meaning revenue remains unpredictable. As a result, securing granting dollars has become a serious priority. The good news is that the granting community has responded in kind, with an upcoming grant cycle full of support for digital initiatives. In order to help you prepare, we have created a guide to help you navigate the current environment and make it even easier to gather the information you need to put together a proposal. Use our guide to:

  1. Discover recurring themes in the upcoming grant cycle to help guide your project plan and strengthen your application
  2. Explore how a collections management system and associated products can help you realize your institution’s digital transformation goals and further enhance your grant application
  3. Learn fundraising tips and tricks from other applicants who have applied for and been awarded funds
  4. Access a comprehensive list of open or upcoming North American grants to get you started on your fundraising journey

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