NEW REPORT: Top Trends in Culture Technology

NEW REPORT: Top Trends in Culture Technology

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Digital Scavenger Hunts and Games: Powered by CultureConnect

Our Scavenger Hunts & Games work within museums and across cities, through challenges and clues, immersing visitors in a cultural experience that rewards their exploration.

Each scavenger hunt experience can be tailored by mixing and matching four clue types:

  • Multiple-choice questions
  • Photo challenges
  • Free response
  • Check-in activities

Each clue type provides an interactive learning opportunity that can be saved on the visitor’s phone, shared on social media, or reset to play again.


Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple Choice questions are perfect for testing a visitor’s understanding of a topic or assessing what information resonated with visitors. Relate the content to the physical space for a more traditional scavenger hunt experience.


In this historical society example, a visitor exploring Women’s Suffrage in the State of New York is asked to recall what year the right to vote was secured. An incorrect response triggers a hint and the opportunity to try again. A correct answers results in reward text.


Photo Challenges

Photo Challenges piggybacks on how visitors are already using their devices. Prompt visitors to locate artworks, artifacts, or locations and document their success. Users can then save their images or share on social media. In this example, a visitor mimics the pose in a portrait relating a traditional work in a modern, accessible way.

Free Response

The Free Response clue type lights up your visitor’s creative side. Ask visitors to solve riddles, share their opinion, or submit creative answers. Here, the museum is asking visitors to find inspiration in exhibit objects in order to share an on-the-spot haiku (and then share out their responses on social media, if desired!).

Check-in Activities

Check-in Activities are the perfect tool for motivating visitors to seek out a person, place, or thing. Have a back gallery with slow traffic? Want visitors to engage with your staff more often? Need to drive traffic to the gift shop? Check-in activities help you guide visitors to parts of the museum they may be missing. In this Redwoods example, rangers can place specific checkpoints or natural wonders as check-in points to ensure visitors get to experience the best parts of the park before leaving.


Because scavenger hunts, like all CultureConnect applications, are powered by the Content Management System, your challenges can evolve over time. The freedom to update content in scavenger hunts is perfect for museums who want to experiement and iterate or if there are rotating exhibitions. Build multiple tracks with different themes or target different age groups. Museum staff can access user analytics and manage the app at any time. Learn more about How it Works.


SCAVENGER HUNT CASE STUDY: See how the Kimbell Art Museum used scavenger hunts to engage teen audiences!

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